Performance Benchmarking

Performance Benchmarking

Ensure Speed, Accuracy, and Scalability

Testing against established performance benchmarks provides a quick assessment of the performance of a software version. Any deviation from the benchmarks is caught and addressed early on in the development cycle. This ensures that performance testing is a continuous process as opposed to a phased activity. BeatBip allows organizations to establish performance benchmarks and then validate releases against those benchmarks.

Why use BeatBlip for Performance Benchmarking Tests?

While BeatBlip is not a performance test automation solution, it offers the ability to establish performance benchmarks for a single user. Once the benchmarks are established, BeatBlip automatically compares the test results against them and alerts the users when any of the benchmarks is violated.

BeatBlip offers side-by-side comparison of two test iterations to detect any performance degradation. enables users to clearly identify which specific step(s) is leading to a difference in load time. Developers can use these reports to easily track down and address any bottlenecks in the system.

Performance Benchmarking, Benchmark Testing, or Baseline Testing, whatever you might call it, is a set of metrics or points of reference used to validate the value of a certain application. Such benchmarks are set by the development team or system architects, to enhance or maintain an application’s quality. The performance benchmarking process involves various testing flows, depending on the pre-set regulations for the application.

The set of metrics or points of reference used in performance benchmarking must be repeatable and quantifiable. The purpose of this testing process is to compare the present and future application releases with their respective benchmarks.

Performance benchmarking helps organizations build and release a powerful application. It helps the QA teams analyze and test an application against key performance metrics and attain various critical goals. These goals include:

  • Ensure that the application meets the minimum specifications (such as response time, number of concurrent users, and other performance requirements) mentioned in the SLA.
  • Test the application to measure how a change can affect its characteristics.
  • Retest the application after upgrades and changes have been implemented.
  • To determine the breaking point of the application, to increase load and demand until it breaks. It allows the QA team to understand the ‘top end’ of an application’s performance.
  • Load Benchmarking: Load tests are used to establish how a system will behave under a specific load. Often, this will be the amount of traffic that you anticipate on a certain day.
  • Stress Benchmarking: Allows developers to understand the limits of a system and helps them determine whether it is built to work with the current load and an estimated load increase in the future.
  • Endurance Benchmarking: Identifies any leaks that may occur due to memory usage or performance degradation. It helps model a significant load on a specific system for an extended period of time.
  • Spike Benchmarking: Tests how a system will perform when there is a sudden, dramatic change in load volume.
  • Breakpoint Benchmarking: Looks at how far a system can be pushed until it breaks.
  • Browser compatibility
  • Broken links
  • HTML compliance
  • Load time
  • Accessibility
  • Link popularity